
Thursday, 29 September 2011

What We've Learned

Over this time we have learned a lot. In Kung Fu we learned two new blocks and I did a 4 move combo. I also learned a bit about Leatherback Turtles. A leatherbacks shell is made up of fat, it is an endangered species and instead of having the nine bones to make up a solid plate on the belly the bones make a ring. And the baby Leatherback's go through childhood which is very rare called by scientists The Lost Years. Most of this I learned from Inside Natures Giants, I found out about a Snake from 5 to 1.8 million years ago called a Bluffs Down Giant Python which was said to grow 32 feet and 9.7 inches (10 meters) making it 78 feet and 2.3 inches smaller then the Blue Whale (100ft, 30.5) but there are videos of snakes 42 feet long. Apparently a Blue Whale is meant to be the biggest animal in history but a Dinosaur called the Argentinosaurus which is 20 feet bigger than an average Blue Whale. Also a a male Cat is supposed to use it's left paw instead of it's right where with females it vice versa. But my 3 year old male uses his right instead of left.